These are the layers through which we have sequential calls:
Client > ServiceImplementation > Manager > Provider > DataSource
A provider may call a datasource directly. Providers can also call Managers to get requested info.
* EmployeeInformationProvider requires AsianEmployees. Hence it calls EmployeeManager.GetAsianEmployees().
* EmployeeManager.GetAsianEmployees() in turn first tries to get cached asian employees else it will get from the datasource. Here's the code:
//Inside EmployeeManager.cs
public List<Employee> GetAsianEmployees()
return CacheProvider.CachedAsianEmployees();
//Inside CacheProvider.cs
public static CachedAsianEmployees()
List<Employee> employees = CacheUtility.RetrieveItem<List<Employee>>("AsianEmployeesPolicy", "AsianEmployees");
AsianEmployeesPolicy = policy name
AsianEmployees = key name
Now the CacheUtility class:
public static T RetrieveItem<T>(string policy, string keyname)
T res = default(T);
//create a tag named '<policy name="AsianEmployeesPolicy">' in config file.
//inside that place a provider tag which has the filename and assembly. It will have description and expiry time subtags
//read policy tag from config file
//CachingPolicy is a class with properties such as Name, ProviderInfo.
CachingPolicy p = CachingPolicyUtility.GetPolicy(policy);
if (p != null)
//inner implementation is upto you. Basically what this code does is initiate an activator.getinstance of the full file name with assembly that
//we had provided in the policy tag in our config.
//that provider file has certain methods like RetrieveItem which we need to invoke
//providers can be SlidingExpirationCacheProvider, StaticExpirationCacheProvider or SqlDependencyCacheProvider all having base type CachingProvider
CachingProvider provider = (CachingProvider)ProviderLoader.LoadProvider(p.ProviderInfo, typeof(CachingProvider));
res = (T)provider.RetrieveItem(keyname);
return res;
Lets see an implementation of SlidingExpCacheProvider
Inherit some base class with operations such as StoreItem, RetrieveItem, ExpiryTime property in SlidingExpCacheProvider like SlidingExpCacheProvider: BaseCacheProvider
public class SlidingExpCacheProvider: BaseCacheProvider
void Init()
//get expiry time some private variable to use in GetExpTime property here ..
//also set a default time if exp time was not provided...
//override as necessary or stick to default implementation
public override object RetrieveItem(string key)
//CacheManager is from MS.EntLib.Caching
CacheManager cacheManager = CacheFactory.GetCacheManager();
return cacheManager[key];
public override void StoreItem(string key, object item)
double time = Convert.ToDouble(_exptime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
//CacheManager is from MS.EntLib.Caching
CacheManager cacheManager = CacheFactory.GetCacheManager();
cacheManager.Add(key, item, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null, new SlidingTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(time)));
StaticExpCacheProvider is very similar to SlidingExpCacheProvider with the following differences:
*//Add item to cache
cacheManager.Add(key, item, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null, new AbsoluteTime(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(time)));
* Sliding exp: Cached element will expire after specified expiry time elasped after last access.
* Static: Element expires after the specified exp time.
StaticExpCacheProvider is very similar to SlidingExpCacheProvider with the following differences:
*//Add item to cache
cacheManager.Add(key, item, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null, new AbsoluteTime(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(time)));
* Sliding exp: Cached element will expire after specified expiry time elasped after last access.
* Static: Element expires after the specified exp time.
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