‘You know something strange happened to me yesterday,’ he said to his friend. ‘What?’ his friend asked, keeping aside his phone, with which he was preoccupied with.
‘Well yesterday morning, I took my office bus as
usual. It was running a little late, which is quite normal. The colleagues whom
I see each day at the stop too boarded the bus along with me. The bus was quite
packed, more than usual. I looked around for a seat, got one and sat.’
‘Was it a window seat?’ the friend asked.
‘No,’ he replied firmly. ‘I don’t like to sit beside
the window. Dust, pollution, you know.’
Continuing his story he said, ‘so then I got settled,
drank some water as per my habit. I saw the group of young boys and girls,
frolicking and cracking jokes and patting each other candidly. They quite
regularly board this bus. It is a very jovial group, but I don’t like the chaos
they make.’
‘I hadn’t slept the night before and tiredness crept
into my eyes. I don’t usually take a nap in the bus, but since the journey is
about 2 hours, I thought it was a good idea to rest.’
‘The bus was pacing fast as there seemed less
traffic than usual that day. I saw out of the window. Those underwear
advertising hoardings that I see every day appeared. I find them awkward. The guy
next to me was wearing dark glasses, which I found unusual as it was cloudy
that day. He had placed his bag on his lap. On top of his bag he had placed his
left palm, and had put his elbow next to it. His index finger pressed against
his lips. It looked like he was in deep thought. But he also had his earphones
on, so I think he might be engrossed in some audio book or some thought
inducing music.’
‘My eyes began to heavily droop. Sleep was
overtaking me; still my eyes were set outside the window, even as the bus sped
fast, as if the driver was on some mission. I saw two cars coming out of a
crematorium. Suddenly the thought of death and dead people struck me. I felt
bad for those people in those cars. Then I thought about circle of life.’
‘My mind was going blank as overcoming sleep was
almost impossible to me. The last thing I remember what I saw before my eyes
shut down, was traffic signals, which surprisingly green each time; quite
unusual for this time of the day. I could hear the laughing from the chaotic
jovial group, faintly. It was airy. The thinker guy beside me was still deep in
thought, looking outside. Then…I went dark. I felt completely comatose. I felt
dog-tired. I felt as if I hadn’t slept for many days and I was covering up this
huge sleep deficit. I was lost in sleep. But I was still feeling the wind
gushing on my face. I did feel the bus was in motion, thanks to the potholes.’
‘I was in my siesta, but a strange feeling overcame
me. Our bus has pretty good suspension, but as the bus sped more, the jerks
became lesser. I suddenly didn’t feel a thing. Not even the blanket of gushing
wind on my face. Feeling recharged, I opened my eyes, but the strong sunlight
hurt my eyes and I closed them immediately. Then slowly I opened my eyes.’
‘I looked straight at the right seat ahead of me. It
was empty. I remember, a girl from the chaotic jovial group occupying it. Hurriedly,
I saw to my left. The thinker was nowhere to be found. I looked to my right. No
one. I got up from my seat and to my amazement the bus was empty and still. My heart
stared beating faster. Composing myself, quick thoughts came to me. It must
have slept till the end and everybody must have got out of the bus and gone to
office, but no one must have woken me up. I have seen that happen with some
people in the bus, but why would anyone have not woke me up till now? Quickly I
started getting down from the bus, with my back pack.’
‘What followed next was bizarre to me. The bus had stood
still. There was no sign of the driver. Outside the entrance door of the bus I saw
overgrown grass. I was looking at a land covered with thick grass and dense
trees and leafy plants around me. I was in shock. Then I touched the bus, to
get a grip of reality. I indeed feel the coldness of the metal. But still I saw
the grassy land lay ahead of me. Ants and insects started creeping on my feet
which was unprotected as I was wearing sandals. I ran towards the back of the
bus and looked around. It looked as if I was alone with the bus in a jungle.’
‘I took out my cell phone which had no network
coverage. I asked myself, what should I do now? Should I shout? Call out for
help? What was happening to me? I got inside the bus again. It was still empty.
I was puzzled and my mind was shattered. The only option was to keep walking
and getting out of this place. But this thing was unexplainable. Why would I be
stranded in a jungle with a bus. Where was everyone? Had there been an
accident? These thoughts came to me as I took on a direction and kept walking.’
‘I kept walking on for some 15 minutes and my heart
was pounding at a faster rate. Suddenly out of nowhere, I saw a short fence. It
too was covered with grass as the path throughout. Then to add to the list of
strange events happening to me that day, I saw people sneaking through that
fence, which had an opening, deliberately made my some to break into. A bald
guy with a back pack was making his move to sneak in. In a flash I caught him
and asked where were all these people going? He coldly replied to me, the name
of my office!’ I was aghast. My office! How could that be? In this jungle? I thought
it was probably better not to question anyone now and I quickly sneaked in with
others and followed them.’
‘The trail of about 3 minutes ended. I saw my office
building; the exact same building which I go into every day. I turned opposite,
to see the jungle from where I came from. I went to my desk in a state of
shock. There were the regular people whom I work with on the floor.’
‘So, this is what happened to me yesterday. It’s completely
unexplainable isn’t it?,’ he asked his friend. Strangely now, there was no one
in front of him.
Mangesh Nadkarni, 15-08-14
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