When you're new to some project and new to its application, a tutorial could be of use to quickly understand the application, its purpose, what its components do and what is the intention of the application. While there is no substitute for personal training, a simple tutorial app could get you started quickly. Plus there is always an advantage to look back at it whenever you want without any time limitation.
Here is a simple idea and its simplest implementation in WPF. It's just a starter.
Download Demo
I thought it'd be easier, faster and better if this were implemented in html using jQuery. I got a chance to learn jQuery because of this and ended up making a demo page. Hope someone builds up on this.
Download Demo in JQuery
Update 28/03/14: Intro.js is an amazing jquery library. Thanks to the developers.
Demo with intro js
Here is a simple idea and its simplest implementation in WPF. It's just a starter.
Download Demo
I thought it'd be easier, faster and better if this were implemented in html using jQuery. I got a chance to learn jQuery because of this and ended up making a demo page. Hope someone builds up on this.
Download Demo in JQuery
Update 28/03/14: Intro.js is an amazing jquery library. Thanks to the developers.
Demo with intro js
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