Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Laugh Carefree!!

I got to know an interesting fact, which I would like to share it with you, even if you know it. It takes 57 muscles in our face (facial muscles) to “create” an expression known as laughter. So, when you laugh next time, you better be aware of each and every muscle in that face of yours and give them the credit!! Laughing is such a good expression!
Now I would like to share another fact which I came across somewhere. The wrinkles on your face, most of them; are created by your own expressions! Simply put, the expressions which you come up time and again, or the expression which you repeat the most, creates a pattern of wrinkles on your face and it takes it natural form, to become embedded on your face. So the next time you frown, don’t be surprised to see the 3 layers of folded skin on your forehead prominent!!
Hmmm… well, what are you thinking now?, I’m not studying these expressions and body languages! The first, yes the first expression you’ve given is…mmm..guess!! Yes! It’s crying! So that’s the way of life! But don’t be too good at it!
Now as I said earlier, laughing is such a good expression. Yes it is. But it has its caveats. The thing to keep in mind is the timing. Secondly, we’ve got to realize with whom we’re dealing with! But just see this! Where can you laugh? You laugh when you’re sharing a joke with your friends. You laugh when somebody skids upon a slimy staircase. You laugh when you watch something funny. But the scope of laughing doesn’t end here. Laughing has its semitones. The best form would be a gentle laughter, or a more purified form would be a smile. And strange it is. Laughter we would assume to be always associated with someone else other than ourselves. But the fact is we sometimes should laugh on ourselves, which is easy to say, but difficult to implement. And when do you get to implement such a thing? Of course, when you’re in a difficulty! We batter ourselves with a gentle laugh don’t we? Perhaps the best possible situation to place such laughter would be when you just don’t have a solution to a problem and things just are not in your hands. So whom do we laugh upon? God? Haaahh..!

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