Saturday, May 17, 2008

Summer Vacations

Wonderful song this...Kehneko Jashne Bahaara hain..whatever that means. Hummable, lovey dovey song..err..don't misinterpret me please. I have had it with this blog debut. I remember starting to write my first blog somewhere in Jan my office being the auspicious location ( i admit it). Now whether i was making that attempt during the office hours or not is up to you to decide, well 99 percent it happens so that i go back home on time, so let me make that clear.

So to conclude the above paragraph, i never completed my first blog. It wasn't even a half blog, not even a one fourth of it, as could never measure the volume. Saying that, completes the above paragraph. Now why did i complete the first paragraph in the second one, is a question you should never ask. Whatever you derive the logic of that is up to you.

I am 24 and still enjoying my summer vacations, while my peers back in Pune are toiling hard at work. Ahem..i am not alone, so it doesn't anyway make me different. My colleagues have made it to their respective hometowns after we planned a precarious attempt to escape the humid conditions of Vizag. The plan turned out to be almost fool proof..err..that means for us...not for those who 'monitor' our daily office activities. Now i admit that i am not a studious guy, who would stick my head into books while i am on bench. A quite escape to solace, which adds to more solace. That's how i am in Mumbai as i write; enjoying my "Summer Vacations".

I had a stroll to Pune for a few days..two to be precise and i found my peers (classmates) quite progressive. One's handling the bugs (a strict veggie though), while three of them are occupied in resolving problems. So, that gives me an idea that we freshers are ordained for such stuff. Not that all are into this, few development opportunities arise.

Back in Mumbai, my colony friends are stuck to their jobs. Hence they don't show up much. Now this makes me frustrated. This lead to blogging!
I do write such stuff, but i have come to a conclusion. My best piece of writing has come when i am on a job. That explains why i used to write while i was in college or in school. My mind used to wander when i was supposed to study and concentrate. That made me write some of my experiences and hence it became a small habit, though it never continued for long as my interests subdue as time progresses. It doesn't have to happen always. Writing made me happy, as it was a medium to initiate a discussion and keep it alive. That made my "philosopher" side come into existence!! Enough of that now Mangesh!! i suppose that "interest subduing" part comes into actual picture! Time to end my first blog!! He he..thanks for showing patience to read this crap!
Hope to share some really good experiences and furnish the art of blogging...mystyle!
